
Design Thinking

How do you prototype a feeling? What do we need to consider when building for the future? How do we create a safe online spaces for interaction?

In the Design Thinking course, students were given the task to create scenarios, prototypes or services that offer a peek into the future. After choosing a topic such as the future of housing, shopping or human interaction, we dived into the design thinking process and explored methods that help us understand a topic, define our challenge, ideate and make ideas tangible. The final outcomes spann from experience prototypes, interactive manifestos, installations and prototyped digital services. With an open mindset and with the ambition to never stop learning, the exhibition will be used as a platform to test ideas and gather feedback from the visitors.

MA Communication Design and Creative Strategies 07

Prof. Jenny Bergström and Prof. Felix Thomas

Alan Ribeiro Cândido

Anagha Poipkar

Asia Nakkash

Dario Giacobbe-Jimènez

David Lügger

Franzi Pütz

Frauke Sornig

Nico Rauh