
Alternative Notation System

Masterarbeiten / MA Theses

Gagik Avagimov

Prof. Jan-Henning Raff

Prof. Nora Bibel

The proposed system is based on an accumulative range of principles, derived from various musical notation systems, as well as rhythm games discussed above, but the most inspirational ones are the tablature notation and Wong & Danesi’s color notation. The proposed notation combines the accessibility and clarity of tablature and the coloristic apprehension of W&D, although it does not copy its intrinsic concept.

The main focus of this notation is to make navigation along the guitar neck easier, which will induce a faster learning process, as most of the complications the beginners experience are based on finding the correct fret and then memorizing what sound it emitted. Additionally, it includes a range of symbols both for left and right hands (assuming that left hand is the fretting hand), which are designed to be more easily understood and intuitive than the ones used in the traditional notation, as it will also be beneficial for the novice players.