Präsenz/Presence → Design DepartmentHMKW Berlin

MA Communication Design 03 × Jenny Bergström

Parima Rangsipol

«Thai Life Balance»

In Thailand, people are concerned with academic rankings and people who graduated from higher education institutions will be looked up to. Children have to study hard to gain acceptance in society, create good university opportunities and increase the opportunity to have a good job position in the future. As a result, there is an increase in competition. In addition, most parents want their children to develop special talents in various fields and children in Thailand are struggling to manage through their busy schedules.

It is clear that Thai people have a problem with work-life balance. People are aware of this problem and there are campaigns mentioning this targeting the working age groups. At the same time, for children, the same awareness is not reached. Today’s children are studying harder compared to the last 10 years. Parents need to pay attention to these behaviours as it will cause problems to arise in the future. For children, research has shown that too much learning hours and pressures will cause children to have accumulated stress, decreased enthusiasm and less interest in new things. Through my illustrations, I want to show what an average day look like for children and adults in Thailand raise questions about the Thai Life Balance.