MA Communication Design 04 & 05 × Prof. Dr. Jan-Henning Raff
Parima Rangsipol
«Tic-Tac-NO! Avoid the Strike»
People need to stay at least 1.5 metres apart to avoid infection with a coronavirus. But in some situations, it’s hard to keep the distance, especially in the small close space like an elevator.
What is the design problem? The solution we have in Thailand is to have 3x3 grids and arrows on the elevator floor to guide people to stay one person per square and turn their faces according to the direction of arrows. Although there are instructions on the wall, people don’t read it and don’t follow the arrow’s direction. Staying in a small space with strangers, people normally try to avoid having eye contact by looking straight, scrolling their phones or even closing their eyes.
What is your solution? The idea is to let people know what they should do before get inside the elevator. Thai people are mostly addicted to social media, they scroll their smartphones all the time. By making them see is to post the playful instruction on social media and make the information more interesting and outstanding.
In which way of this user centered? The grid reminds people of Tic-Tac-Toe table. Developing from a familiar game into a Tic-Tac-NO! concept, people would have an idea that they shouldn’t stand too close to each other and avoid making a strike. People usually pay attention to the less formal contents, by creating playful and easy-understanding graphics would increase the opportunity of sending the information to users successfully.