Präsenz/Presence → Design DepartmentHMKW Berlin

User Centered Corona Communication – phase 2
MA Communication Design 04 & 05 × Prof. Dr. Jan-Henning Raff

Isabell Drauz

«Pandemic Party»

In times of corona the biggest wish of many people is to return to normality as quickly as possible. It is clear to see that although the pandemic is not over and a second wave can become reality, many people do not act accordingly. So the second design approach also focuses on the criticism of the people who behave if we had survived the virus and the pandemic.

What could be more fitting than a Pandemic Party in Berlin? The poster series advertises with its loud font and the psychedelic pictures for a party regardless of the remaining risk of infection. Of course this is just sarcasm, but sets a statement to people who really believe that a party is going to take place: “What the fuck are you thinking…”. If you scan the QR Code you will get to the website of the German government, which explains how to protect yourself and other people best. It is a parody of a series of posters that are supposed to attract people who like to take the risk of infection. After the development phase of the first poster, two copies were placed at the Nordbahnhof to test the impact and clarity of the poster. People have noticed it, but due to the small number of posters that were hung up, there was no active interaction with the QR Code. So I developed a series of posters to get more attention, as you can see in the mockup. At first sight it is not to be recognised that this is a fake party. The observer has to actively interact with the poster. A more curious interaction leads to the realisation of the joke and the perception of the criticism of the society.